Tag: source code analysis


Klocwork – Advanced Static Code Analysis Tool

Klocwork is a static code analysis tool used in software development to detect and report potential security vulnerabilities, code defects, and quality issues early in the development process. It analyzes source code without executing it and identifies potential problems by analyzing the dataflow, structure, syntax, and logic of the code.

Klocwork is used by software developers and development teams to improve code quality, reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities and defects, and optimize software performance. Klocwork supports multiple programming languages including C, C++, C#, Java, JayaScript, Kotlin and Python, and integrates with various development environments and build systems. It also provides detailed reports and actionable insights to help developers understand and address potential issues in their code.

Klocwork demo. Register here to get started with the free trail version of Klocwork.

The benefits of using Klocwork in software development include:

  • Improved code quality: Klocwork helps identify and eliminate potential defects and vulnerabilities early in the development process, improving the overall quality of the code.
  • Increased productivity: By detecting issues before code is deployed, Klocwork helps developers save time and effort that would otherwise be spent debugging and fixing problems later in the development cycle.
  • Reduced risk: Klocwork helps mitigate the risk of security vulnerabilities and other critical issues that can lead to system failures or data breaches.
  • Compliance with industry standards: Klocwork provides support for various industry standards such as MISRA, Autosar, OWASP, CERT C/C++, PCI-DSS and CWE, helping developers ensure compliance with coding best practices and guidelines.
  • Better collaboration: Klocwork integrates with various development environments and tools, facilitating better collaboration among development teams, and making it easier to share knowledge and resolve issues.
  • Continuous improvement: Klocwork provides feedback on code quality and identifies potential areas for improvement, helping development teams to continuously improve the quality of their code.

Using Klocwork can help improve the efficiency, reliability, and security of software development, while reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction.

Klocwork can detect various categories of defects in software code, including:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Klocwork can detect potential security vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication issues.
  • Memory management issues: Klocwork can detect potential memory management issues such as memory leaks, null pointer dereferences, and dangling pointers.
  • Concurrency issues: Klocwork can detect potential concurrency issues such as race conditions, deadlock, and thread safety violations.
  • Coding standards violations: Klocwork can detect violations of coding standards and best practices such as naming conventions, indentation, and formatting.
  • Complexity issues: Klocwork can detect potential complexity issues such as long methods, high cyclomatic complexity, and nested loops.
  • Performance issues: Klocwork can detect potential performance issues such as inefficient algorithms, unnecessary memory allocation, and excessive I/O operations.
  • Error handling issues: Klocwork can detect potential error handling issues such as ignored error codes, unhandled exceptions, and incorrect use of return values.

Klocwork can help detect a wide range of potential defects and vulnerabilities in software code, enabling developers to improve the quality, security, and performance of their applications.

Some of the unique features of Klocwork include:

SmartRank technology: Klocwork uses SmartRank technology to prioritize and categorize detected issues based on their severity, frequency, and potential impact, helping developers focus on the most critical issues first.

Cross-project analysis: Klocwork can analyze multiple projects and codebases simultaneously, providing a holistic view of code quality and potential issues across the entire organization.

Customizable checkers: Klocwork allows developers to create and customize checkers to meet their specific needs, enabling them to address unique coding standards or security requirements.

Data flow analysis: Klocwork uses data flow analysis to detect potential security vulnerabilities and other issues related to the flow of data within the code, helping to ensure that sensitive data is protected and properly managed.

Incremental analysis: Klocwork can perform incremental analysis, meaning it only analyzes changes made to code since the last analysis, reducing analysis time and enabling faster feedback on code changes.

Integration with development tools: Klocwork integrates with various development tools, including IDEs, build systems, and code repositories, allowing developers to easily incorporate static code analysis into their existing workflows.

Like above Klocwork offers a range of powerful features that can help developers improve code quality, reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, and optimize software performance.

Adopting Klocwork in a DevOps environment can be relatively easy, depending on the specific setup and requirements of the organization. Here are some factors that can affect the ease of adopting Klocwork in a DevOps environment:

Integration with existing tools: Klocwork integrates with various development tools, including IDEs, build systems, and code repositories. If the organization is already using these tools, integrating Klocwork can be straightforward, as developers can continue to use their familiar workflows.

Automation and CI/CD pipelines: Klocwork can be integrated into automated build and deployment pipelines, enabling developers to perform static code analysis as part of the development process. This can help identify issues earlier and reduce the time required for manual testing and debugging.

Customization: Depending on the specific requirements of the organization, Klocwork may need to be customized to meet unique coding standards or security requirements. Klocwork documentaion and support team can be of use here.

Overall, adopting Klocwork in a DevOps environment can be relatively easy, particularly if the organization is already using compatible development tools and has a strong culture of automation and continuous improvement.

Register here to get a free trail of Klocwork.


Handling Software Security Risks

Hackers are tireless, innovative, motivated.  They are an unfortunate reality of the software and applications industry today.  From automotive to medical to consumer products and more.

The potential for their efforts to result in real risks and failures is well documented. If your software fails, people are going to hear about it.  It will cost your company time, money, reputation, etc.  And it goes without saying that you would not want to be the individual or team responsible for any of that. Klocwork can help you mitigate those risks, cost effectively.

Software Security Vulnerability attacks

Software Security Risks are Well Documented,

  • Patriot missile specification called for aircraft speeds and was designed to work continuously for 14 hours
  • In gulf war it was used continuously for 100 hours against missiles which have speeds up-to Mach 6.
  • Iraqi missile escaped this system because of low precision and resulted in 28 deaths and 90 wounded
  • On June 3, 1980, NORAD reported that US was under missile attack. This happened because of an incorrect signal being generated, this could have triggered Nuclear war between US and USSR
  • Several cancer patients die due to overdose of radiation resulting from a race condition between concurrent tasks in Therac-25 software

An advanced powerful Static Code Analysis Tool can detect the real security vulnerabilities at the time of development.

Software Defects can be Dangerous

Possible World war 3 : In 1980, NORAD reported that the US was under missile attack. The problem was caused by a faulty circuit, a possibility the reporting software hadn’t taken into account. In 1983, a Soviet satellite reported incoming US missiles, but the officer in charge decided to follow his gut feeling that it was a false alarm and decided to do nothing.

Medical Devices: The Therac-25 medical radiation therapy device was involved in several cases where massive overdoses of radiation were administered to patients in 1985-87 due to software defect Many patients died due to overdoses.

“How do we improve code quality and how to improve code security: Easiest one is “Static Code analysis“”

What is Static Code analysis

Static code analysis is a method of debugging by examining source code before a program is run. It’s done by analyzing a set of code against a set (or multiple sets) of coding rules.

Why Static code analysis,

  • Can review source code methodically and find real defects in the code
  • Can follow Coding standards and RCA learning
  • Can find most common defects at desktop
  • 100% Code coverage
  • Manual Code review effectiveness goes up

Klocwork is an advanced static code analysis tool that can detect almost all the real coding vulnerabilities in the code.

Klocwork Introduction

Klocwork – Kilo lines Of Code Work

  • Klocwork is a static code analysis tool used to identify security, safety and reliability issues in C, C++, Java and C# code. The product includes numerous desktop plug-ins for developers, metrics and reporting.
  • Static Code Analysis on-the-fly, to identify issues at the earliest possible point
  • Continuous Integration to maximize scalability and performance for multiple concurrent analysis at a time
  • Application Security to prevent malicious attacks
  • Validation of Industrial standards to check the industry (Misra, Autosar, CERT, etc..,) and internal coding guidelines
  • Reporting and Metrics to understand and prioritize issues across the entire team
  • Code Review to get teams working faster towards delivering the best code possible

Klocwork – Advanced 3rd Generation Static code analyser

It starts at the developer’s desktop. It’s here where code is written, tested, reviewed, and written again. Finding problems here, at the earliest possible point before the build, means less testing later on and fewer downstream impacts to cost and schedule.

Klocwork has direct plugin available for Visual Studio, Eclipse, Windriver, IntelliJIidea and Eclipse based IDEs*. Klocwork has its own IDE/GUI as well that can help developer to find and fix the possible vulnerabilities at the time of creation.

Evaluation of Static Code Analysis – Klocwork is compatible to be used as any generation Static Code Analysis Tool .

Advantages of Klocwork at desktop,

  • Improves coding practices
    • Alerts the developer immediately when they enter a defect
    • Provides entire path from “source to sink” of how the issue occurs
    • Provide help on how to remedy
    • Provides links to the specific coding standards that may be violated
    • Allows you to edit and customize that advice with simple HTML editing.
    • The key is that not only do we help the developer, by telling them immediately it is an excellent “teachable moment.”    
  • Finally, since the developer makes the fix immediately, your code base is never impacted.
What not to do in this modern world

These days, we are used to having a spell-checker that works away, in the background, as we work on within our document editors. It would now seem rather alien and rather inefficient to return to having to spell-check a document on a button press, only when we were finished writing it. The same applies for code writing and SCA.

This technology is only possible with Klocwork – Static Code Analysis Tool. Thanks to Klocwork’s ability to perform partial, incremental, connected builds.

Klocwork static application security testing (SAST) for C, C++, Java and C# can identify software security, quality, and reliability issues and it can help organisations to enforce compliance with industry standards. Klocwork can perform Dataflow Analysis, Syntax Analysis and Symbolic Logic Analysis to analyse the source code for vulnerabilities. Register here for Klocwork Trail, https://meteonic.com/contact-us or send a mail to support@meteonic.com


What is Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis (SCA) or Source code analysis is the process of analyzing the source code without executing or running it. Static Analysis can detect possible vulnerabilities in the source code by analyzing a set of code against a set (or multiple sets) of coding rules.

Here are some benefits of Static Code Analysis,

  1. faster project execution
  2. Better source code at check-in
  3. Less costly development cycles
  4. Shorter time-to-market

Syntax Analysis

Syntax Analysis Creates a lossless transformation of the source code by generating the “Abstract Syntax Tree”.

Syntax Analysis can be used to find Coding Style Issues and Simple Defects

  • Simple security defects (e.g. use of banned encryption API)
  • Simple coding style issues (e.g. no dynamic memory allocation)

Data Flow Analysis

Data Flow Analysis Can find program crashes across functions and files. Monitoring the lifecycle of data objects like Creation, Assignment, Usage, Deletion and Must be monitored across all paths in the Control Flow Graph such as Function calls, Compilation units, Etc.,

Complex Issue need trace back ( Sample report of Klocwork – Static Code Analyzer)

Klocwork Report with Root Cause Analysis

Symbolic Logic Analysis

  • Define functional behavior between symbols
  • Don’t necessarily know what the values will be at runtime
  • Used to infer software behavior

Complex Issue need trace back ( Sample Klocwork Report – Static Code Analyser)

Unvalidated integer value ‘size’ is received from ‘atoi’ at line 1474 and can be used to access an array through call to ‘rcs_change_text’ at line 1707.

Security vulnerabilities detection with Klocwork

Klocwork – Static Code Analyser

Klocwork is an ISO, IEC certified static source code analysis tool from Perforce and widely adopted by more than 2,200 customers worldwide, allows developers to identify code defects, at developer’s desktop, while they are coding.

Klocwork static application security testing (SAST) for C, C++, Java and C# can identify software security, quality, and reliability issues and it can help organisations to enforce compliance with industry standards. Klocwork can perform Dataflow Analysis, Syntax Analysis and Symbolic Logic Analysis to analyse the source code for vulnerabilities. Register here for Klocwork Trail, https://meteonic.com/contact-us or send a mail to support@meteonic.com